Welcome back to another episode of Once Every Two Weeks! Today, Mark & Thom discuss the weather, guitar-heavy bands like Machester Orchestra, Hum, concert experiences, and a shiny new segment where we cover an technical audio deep dive with Columbia Jones. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode covering Hum’s You’d Prefer an Astronaut.

Welcome back to Once Every Two Weeks, the podcast where we delve into the world of music and explore the stories behind our favorite albums. In today’s episode, Mark and Thom jump in to a 90’s favorite for them, Hum’s You’d Prefer an Astronaut. They talk through the success inspite of themselves, troubles that faced Hum, and the making of their iconic 90’s album. Pause your walkman, pull up a seat, and enjoy this episode covering Hum’s You’d Prefer an Astronaut.
00:00:00 – Catch up, the weather, and our ideal climates
00:02:30 – The origins of Hum and an overview of the band members
00:04:47 – Hum records a demo, ” Kissing Me Is Like Kissing An Angel,” and launch their first album, Fillet Show.
00:06:25 – Changes to the lineup and the release of Electra 2000 in 1993.
00:07:20 – Overview of one of the greatest albums of all times, You’d Prefer an Astronaut, and a brief discussion of the cover art.
00:9:12 – Remastering time!
00:12:39 – Technical audio deep dive with Columbia Jones.
00:15:15 – Touring and publicity
00:24:39 – Cure episode correction & Thom’s change of heart for hum
00:32:02 – Little Dipper
00:37:13 – The Pod
00:39:37 – Stars
00:47:05 – Suicide Machine
00:51:03 – The Very Old Man
00:53:19 – Why I Like the Robins
00:55:58 – I’d Like Your Hear Long
00:58:17 – I Hate It Too
01:00:45 – Songs of Farewell and Departure
01:02:44 – Final thoughts
01:04:44 – Mark’s top 3
01:05:21 – Thom’s top 3