Sunny Day Real Estate’s The Rising Tide

Episode 7

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Join Mark and Thom as they dive into Sunny Day Real Estate’s influential album, The Rising Tide, released in 2000. Prepare to embark on a nostalgic journey through the realm of ’90s and early 2000s emo as they explore the band’s history, reminisce about high school adventures at the zoo, delve into the world of indie and emo labels, and, of course, dissect the music of The Rising Tide.

Mark and Thom are thrilled to explore their first emo album together, unraveling the intricate dynamics within Sunny Day Real Estate, examining Jeremy Enigk’s spiritual odyssey and its impact on his music, and reflecting on how well this remarkable album has stood the test of time.

Show notes

00:00:56 – General catch-up session
00:01:25 – Mark takes us on a trip down memory lane, recalling his zoo escapades with the Environmental Club
00:04:44 – Mark’s brother John lends his expertise in correcting pronunciations
00:08:47 – Thom and Mark’s personal introductions to the emo genre 00:11:22 – Sunny Day Real Estate as a band
00:13:34 – Exploring the circumstances behind SDRE’s breakup
00:44:57 – Killed by an Angel
00:48:17 – One
00:49:43 – Rain Song
00:50:52 – Disappear
00:52:51 – Snibe
00:54:53 – The Ocean
00:55:26 – Fool in the Photograph
00:58:04 – Tearing in My Heart
01:01:28 – Television
01:04:29 – The Rising Tide
01:07:34 – SDRE’s breakup and Jeremy Enigk’s remarkable solo career 01:08:41 – Mark shares his personal experiences of witnessing SDRE live in ’09
01:10:35 – Fake SDRE and their latest single
01:15:03 – Mark and Thom drop their top 3 tracks from the album

Hosted by
Mark & Thom

Mark is the creative director and co-founder of Burro Borracho Records. After high school he spent a few years working as a manager with Wherehouse Music. He occasionally plays drums and has been in such non-productive go nowhere band start ups that no one has ever heard of like The Unsex, Avenue C, The Reaganauts, and Next Time I See Murphy (which also saw him play some guitar and take on vocal duties). He was the original drummer for Quiet Morning & the Calamity but left the band to pursue a degree in Motion Graphic Design.
During his college years, as photo editor of his school newspaper, his review of Radiohead's Kid A won first prize for Critical Review in a California statewide collegiate journalism contest. After graduating with his degree he filled in back on drums for QM&TC's first national tour in support of their debut EP Son of the Sad Soul, which features the song Gambling On Old Tires which Mark co-wrote.
Thanks to the influence of his mother who spent all her years playing guitar and singing folk songs, as well as three older brothers with drastically differing musical tastes, Mark has always known the important role music can and should play and has been a music fan all his life but he's only been a stubborn overly opinionated asshole about the superiority of his on musical tastes since his early teenage years. At the last count he had about 1,200 compact discs. Yes, he still collects cds.

Thom's a digital marketer by day and armchair theologian, podcaster, writer, amateur home chef, and beer aficionado by night. When not working, he's a typical family man with a propensity to create.

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